Friday, July 22, 2011

One Test You DON'T Want to Ace

The Psychopath Test
by Jon Ronson

8.5 stars out of 10

Initial Reactions
Throughout the whole book, and even afterwards, I was continually fascinated by this subject matter. For anybody who has an interest in abnormal psychology, this book is definitely for you. Psychopathy is not something I think about on a daily basis, so the novelty of it is intriguing.

Ronson does a remarkably thorough job of researching and interviewing the subjects. He approached his topic in a fair-minded, journalistic way - he realized that each side has its own story to tell. In the process of investigating the history of psychopath diagnosis and treatment in this country, with some key examples of patients, Ronson realizes the damage of putting too much trust in either the doctor's evaluations or the patients themselves.

In the beginning he grabs your attention with the mysterious case which starts him investigating psychopathy, but I felt by the end that the mystery wasn't solved very tidily. Maybe it's not supposed to be an open and shut case. Anyway, you finish reading with some open-ended questions, but also with a new perspective on humanity.

1. The story of John, the psychopath stuck in prison for the criminally insane. At the end, I found myself questioning my own perceptions of him, and if he truly deserved to be in jail (even if he is a clinically diagnosed psychopath!).

2. Not only fascinating, but a quick read! I read this in two sittings.

Bottom Line
Read this book! Even if, like me, you're not a big non-fiction reader, this is an excellent examination of conscience and character. I definitely want to read more by this author.

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