Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It Sucked Me In

I have been trying out a lot of new tv shows lately, ones that I wouldn't normally be able to see, all thanks to the miraculous power of Netflix.  Dexter, Breaking Bad, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and all sorts of awesome are now a click (and some delivery time) away.  But every so often, I try a show that just turns me off - either it doesn't hook me, or it grosses me out, or my brain cells mutiny. For whatever reason, I can't tolerate a show.

But then there's True Blood.

Now, I tried on two separate occasions to get into the first season of True Blood. Both times, I got more than halfway through the first season and then just couldn't stomach it anymore. The profanity and violence is bad, but they're PG-13 compared to the *cough cough* intimate scenes shown. Seriously, I have never seen a show this sexually graphic before. And for a while, I stayed away.

But, like many Americans, I read Entertainment Weekly. And I have a cousin who loves the show. So when everybody is raving about a show, well, I just can't stay away.
His looks can actually kill.  But you almost can't stop looking.

So against my better judgement, I rewatched the rest of season one, and truly, it turns out the later episodes are more exciting intriguing than the initial ones. Before I knew it, I was halfway into season 2 and begging for more. I admit it: I'm hooked.

I'm still waiting for the point where I'll get tired of watching it, but that hasn't come yet. I'll keep you posted, and I hope to eventually catch up to the current season (4).

Any other True Blood fans out there?

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