Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quoth The Raven: "Meh"

The Raven

2.5 out of 5 stars

I was fairly excited to see this film - the subject of Poe is not yet horribly overdone, but alas, there were more weaknesses here than strengths.

First, I think it tried too hard to be the Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) movies, with that hyper-throwing-lines-out-like-everyone's-on-crack vibe.  Those movies are only Bs anyway, we don't need copycats.

Second, as much as I like John Cusack, he was the wrong choice for Poe.  He does not work the macabre well; maybe he's been typecast too long as that feel-good stereo-toting lover boy next door, but he really doesn't have a creepy bone in his body.  Unfortunately, that's a disadvantage when you're playing a famous historical creeper.  In the scenes where Cusack was supposed to be an arrogant a**hole, he just couldn't pull it off.  Why? Because he is too good; he's nice to the bone.

I hate to say it, but Johnny Depp probably would have been a better choice, or maybe Stanley Tucci - we know he's got serial killer down pat from The Lovely Bones.

Acting aside, it would have been just a fun movie if it weren't for the over-the-top violence.  Now don't get me wrong: I like my violent movies just like the best of them, but this was just excessive without anything to back it up (like a good storyline, memorable characters, etc.).

Final Cut: Maybe when it comes to Netflix it might be worth checking out if you have nothing else to watch, but otherwise, save your money.

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