Monday, June 20, 2011

There's No End to 'The Killing'

I have been faithfully following every episode of AMC's The Killing since it's premier this spring. The advertisements, the awesome soundtrack, and the moving storyline have all conspired to keep me watching and talking about it every week.
I was thrilled to learn that the show has been renewed for a second season, so it was with relief that I was able to watch last night's finale, knowing that no matter what happened, they would be coming back for more.
Even so: I was not expecting what actually did happen. Rather than wrapping up the case all nice and tidy, they decided to dangle a clean finish in front of us and then jerk it away, laughing maniacally. Ok, I was definitely half expecting Richmond not to be the killer because they laid him out last episode, just a little too easily. But seriously, did they have to mess with my adoring, he-can-do-no-wrong view of Holder?
I'm mad because they seem to be threatening that Holder may not be on the show much longer - if he's committing crimes and Linden knows about it, then they'll have to chuck him out. And if he's out, I'm out, I'm sorry to say.
All told, though, I can still truthfully say I'm a fan. Even when things go in an unexpected direction, it's still fun to watch. The characters and storyline are being developed richly.
So, they've hooked me for now, but time will tell if they'll be able to keep my attention for a second season.

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