Monday, May 30, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised

by Lauren Kate

3.5 out of 5 stars

I've been disappointed recently in the young adult fiction available right now; it's become more difficult to find a quality piece to read that doesn't abandon basic creative writing skills just to throw in a vampire, some zombies, and a sickeningly sappy love story.

I have to confess that I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. The plot drew me in from the beginning. I am such a sucker for "reform" or "special" school stories, where weirdness is (or becomes) socially acceptable. Right away, Luce became likeable, and I wanted to know where her story was going.

I even enjoyed the interplay between Cam, Daniel, and Luce, though in my opinion, Lauren Kate has veered a little too close to Twilight for comfort. I definitely don't want another Bella with zero self-confidence becoming obsessed with the guy. In my book, obsession does not equal love, and too many authors substitute a physically passionate, obsessive fling as lasting love. As much as I enjoy romance, it has to be believable.

My only other complaint with the book is that Luce accepts Daniel's true identity too quickly. I think there needs to be more of a realistic reaction. If I went up to Leonardo DiCaprio and said, "Hey, guess what? I'm an alien," his first reaction probably wouldn't be to crush me in a bear hug, tell me he always new it, and start making plans to relocate to my home planet.

Overall, definitely a good read, and I may consider going further with the series. Not on my favorites list, though. What do you think? Would you read it? Feedback is welcome!

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