Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Bloody Good, Alright?

True Blood
Season 2

7 out of 10 stars

Initial Reactions
I can breathe so much easier now that I've finally admitted I'm a Trubie (fan of True Blood). I have to say that I liked season 2 much better than the first season. For one thing, they got rid of Amy (whom I despised), and replaced her with Daphne, Amanda, and my personal favorite, Jessica. They've also added Eric's maker, Godric, to the mix, and boy is he some fine undead eye candy!

They have also intensified plot lines, making them more intricate and therefore more interesting. While Jason is initiated into the Fellowship of the Sun, Sookie and Bill must help Eric find Godric and deal with problems in Dallas. Sam meets and falls hard for Daphne, who turns out to be more like him than Sam realized. And, most intense of all, is the havoc Maryann is wreaking on Bon Temps, especially Tara and her newfound love, Eegs.

Lafayette has quite a harrowing experience at the beginning of the season, which understandably changes him on a deep level. While I agree that it had to be done, I definitely missed his smack-talking wit and wisdom.

Probably my biggest criticism: I could have done with about 5 fewer orgies. I know it's HBO and it's True Blood, and there has to be sex, violence, and cursing, but wow, it was graphic.

Standout Performances
1. GODRIC. I LOVE him. He brought the emotional depth and soul-reaching, self searching that none of the other vamps have. This guy has so many dimensions!

2. Jason & Sam both grew in my opinion. They were both kind of flat in season 1, but they both also gain a lot of depth this season.

3. Jessica and Hoyt's budding relationship. It is sooooo cute! C'mon, Bleeding Love? How corny-romantic!

4. Maryann. Michelle Forbes is an excellent actress (check out The Killing!) but I couldn't help but hate her character.

Burning Questions for Season 3
-What's the deal with the "queen" vampire? How/why did she get to be queen?
-Who are Sam's real parents?
-Why does Eric want Sookie? What are Bill's true motives?
-What's going to happen between Jessica and Hoyt?
-What direction is Tara headed in? Can she spiral any further out of control?

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