Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer 2012 Movie Kick-Off: The Avengers

The Avengers
4 out of 5 stars

What do you do when you want to watch something about beloved, classic fictional characters made with disgustingly expensive special effects and starring at least five incredibly hot male models - I mean actors?

You go pay your future children's college money for a ticket to see The Avengers, of course!  

Is it worth it? I would say definitely.  They hired some pretty skilled special effects guys, because there is some sweet computer action going on here.  And then there's the wave of nerd euphoria that comes with seeing a whole group of your favorite childhood obsessions together in one movie.  Now if only I could get someone to put the Power Rangers, all the Nick Toons, and the Backstreet Boys together, they would be an animated crime-fighting musical group; we definitely don't have enough of those. I call the copy rights on this. 

I was expecting that Robert Downey Jr.'s sarcasm would have to carry the movie, but the others did surprisingly well.  And of course, the entrance of the Hulk stole the show.  I mean, when a huge, invincible green guy starts roaring and throwing stuff, he's got my attention (guys, take notes).  

Even that Hawkeye dude who fights super villains with a bow and arrows is hot enough to distract me from the fact that he's fighting super villains with a bow and arrows. 

Overall, Avengers is a win-win for everybody: the studio makes its money back, actors stay employed, and you get to ogle your one-film-wonder characters one last time.